I covered the vote and lawsuit filed to keep the red light cameras going here in my previous post. Last night the city council voted unanimously to terminate the contract with ATS and have the City Manager give the required 60 day notice. So, regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, the cameras are going away.
But Geek. you say, how can that be a bad thing?
The lawyer for the two "Concerned Citizens" who filed the suit made a statement after the city council meeting that the lawsuit is continuing because there are bigger issues at stake. His reasoning was that if someone got a ticket for speeding or turning left on a red light, they could just file a petition to have that part of city code invalidated.
1) Running a red light is a violation of the Texas Motor Vehicle Code. Not a city ordinance.
2) The issuance of a civil violation from camera footage is in city code but the majority of voters said NO MORE!
3) Speeding and turning left on a red light (running a red light) is also a violation of Texas Motor Vehicle Code. No citizen petition putting a vote in a city election will invalidate these.
Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #2212
1 minute ago
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