I am a big proponent of sub caliber practice. For a variety of reasons this is a good thing. I can buy an entire case of .22lr for what it costs to reload a few hundred rounds of .40S&W. We can carry this even further with airsoft. There is plenty of debate among gunnies about the practicality of airsoft guns for training. Either as a tool for force on force training or as a tool for shooting practice.

So, have a look at the picture and see if you can identify the .40, the .22 or the airsoft. Shouldn't be too hard to do. However, what makes it all work is the fact that they all handle the same. They all have
Dawson Awesome fiber front sights and Bomar rears. They all have
SV extended triggers (yes the airsoft takes the same trigger parts as the real thing). They all shoot about the same. The .40 has more recoil but that is one of the reasons for doing sub caliber practice. By using the .22 and the airsoft, you can get trigger time with less noise and recoil. This is like dryfire without having to rack the slide. WITH instant feedback on the shooters performance as to accuracy in your trigger control and sight alignment. It is all good. The additional upside is the ability to practice indoors, at the house, without hearing protection.
A handy way, U-Haul wardrobe box with the front folded down and a silhouette taped across the front of the box. Set at the end of the hallway it allows for practice not only group shooting but clearing out of the bedroom and or working corners around the house. Since the heavy cardboard of the wardrobe box captures the airsoft pellets, you can scoop up all the pellets out of the box after wards and recycle them. Makes the practice even less expensive.
Don't forget to get a matching airsoft for your tactical life partner/spouse. That way the two of you can practice moving through the house and engage targets along the way. misbeHaven has her Kimber Custom Stainless Target and a matching airsoft Caspian single stack with matching sights and super short triggers so she has the same feel on her guns as well.
It's all good. Your thoughts?