It begins. Check back.
So, first couple minutes, enter gun show and see line around building. They did report that the people at the show were busy filling out the required forms for FBI background check.
Are playing ads talking about getting your guns now while you can.
Fear of Obama is creating gun and ammo shortage.
Had to go there, not all gun sales are recorded by FBI checks due to ........ "the loophole" despite efforts to close it.
Walk through parking lot with former police superintendent talking about Virginia being the primary source of guns that are used in crimes in other states , all up and down the seaboard, because of their lax laws allowing no background check sales at evil gun shows. "see that guy with the gun on his back....."
Parade out anti gun bigots including "Omar" lost sister at VT. talk about felons, addicts and mentally ill buying guns at gun shows without background check.
Cover bill for closing the evil "loophole" in VT and blame "gun lobby" for killing this common sense law. Mention if students had been armed but very quickly move on to more emotional arguments about Mexico and recent shootings
Bring up Mexican gun violence, recent shootings and fear of gun ban causing the latest round of shootings.
DIFI interviewed about AWB and the AK47's that were banned but now are available without background checks. She wants AWB back. DICKHEAD DURBIN lectures congress that no one will debate gun control anymore after the "evil gun lobby" struck back at the people who voted for the ban.
DIFI, says NRA has stranglehold on congress. That is why nothing is happening.
Obama labeled as the great gun grabber by NRA. DIFI will pick the time and place for the new AWB and stricter gun laws.
Mention loss of support for stronger gun controls and Gallup poles.
break for commercial.
Guess that was it. They didn't go into any further hysterics to close it out or anything. Not the biggest hit job but still touched on all the stereotype arguments and while interviewing the VCDL head a bunch of times, they definitely pulled out all the emotional stops to push that guns are causing evil, available without checks to all for cash due to loophole and the AWB needs to be brought back whenever DIFI can get the votes.
Remember; "if I could have gotten the 51 votes, that's it Mr and Mrs America, Turn them in" ? That is the DIFI that is going to bring the AWB at the time of her choosing. COUNT ON IT!
Morning Update:
You know, It truly is sad when just a few lies in the story makes it "moderate". Overall this wasn't near the hit piece that 20/20 was and they at least did intersperse their lies with a counter point. So it was almost a balanced feature.
Found: One Troll Has a great write up as usual.
Sebastian also weighs in.
A Couple of Strange News Reports
2 hours ago
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