Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wind Tunnel to the Rescue

Remember the F-18 I posted about earlier? The C-130 that came in to rescue it? Well, they needed help getting the jackstands out of the back of the C-130 to get the F-18 off the ground so they could fix a problem with the front landing gear steering mechanism. The forklift at the airport wasn't man enough to handle the pallet in the aircraft so they came over to us for one of ours. This would be yours truly driving over to help along with a couple other folks from the wind tunnel. Funny thing is, the Air Force and Army are here too working on their aircraft. We were all waiting for the Navy and the Coast Guard to stop by with a busted aircraft and we would have everyone covered.


  1. Way cool! Those look substantially beefier than the jack stands for the O-2 at the flight lab.

    Nice driving. I hereby qualify you to help me uninstall the M6QT test section tomorrow morning. ;-)

  2. Unfortunately, I'll be driving the tunnel so can't drive the forklift too!

  3. Ummmmmmm.....

    I know looks can be deceiving, but,,,unless those jacks were made out of depleted uranium, or those black holes dribbling out of the supercollider- I can't see how a normal forklift wasn't man enough.

    Good thing you have a superlift.

  4. It's a simple matter of weight ratios. A 4 ounce bird......... Actually capacity at load center and fork length. Our forklift has long forks on it and had the capacity out at the extended load center to pick the pallet up. The standard forklift tried to tip over forward along with the pallet trying to tip forward when lifting the load.

  5. Ahh, so that's why you had the meat counterweight on the back ;-)

  6. Riding on the back of a forklift is a big, fat No-No!
