Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Made by Monkeys

I opened the July issue of Design News Magazine to read the Made by Monkeys column. readers send in letters about designs that were done by Monkeys in their opinion. Well, this months column had an article entitled, "Gunfight Lost - Due to Monkeys" about the design of the Ruger SR9c.

Cool to find this in an engineering rag.

That is all. At least until I finish beating on my truck after work. If it isn't raining. And I can get the parts.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Life or somehting like it

Well, one pasture is shredded, the corral is improved but far from finished. Still have lots of fence to repair/replace (previous owners were liars when they told the county they were running cattle), truck is in pieces (no inner fender well, fan shroud, ECU/TCM, PS Pump, A/C Comp) and the long days at work continue. Turns out the Duramax doesn't have a traditional fanbelt driven water pump, it is driven off the crank and as such, you ave to pretty much disassemble the front of the engine to get to it. Oh and I have an allergy test coming up Thursday which means for the last week I have been unable to take pretty much any meds to clear my system before the test which translates to no meaningful sleep and a head full of snot.
Just whole lots of fun right now. The rest of the crew at work is also pretty much spent as the machinists and engineers have been working long shift longer than I have to get the model completed so we could do the testing we are doing right now and we're still having to make parts as we go and wait for some of them to be completed so we can continue testing.
Already can't wait for it to be over.

HOWEVER, we've got a few classes coming up in the next few weeks and you can bet I will be doing my damnedest to be out there for them as they are a form of relief from the work since it is something else completely and required total concentration to do things right. Just concentrations about something other than aircraft models and aerodynamic testing and scheduling people and fixing broken stuff and herding cats and chasing cows.

Eventually I'll get enough time to actually post more content about some of the stories that are setting me off right now but I really don't even think about them too long because there is too much else to do.

Like Westboro buttheads protesting at ComiCon and getting their collective ass handed to them by motivated overly smart people who don't take themselves too seriously.

Fed.Gov in court over Arizona laws. Glad to hear the judge sounds like she is not buying the .gov's argument.

Usual slime dog millionaire politicians getting caught with their pants down, or not and basically screwing society up.

on and on.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Sorry there have not been any posts lately including vacation pictures.

Life just got in the way. You know there are Kitty Cardiologists?
We came home to a lame cat that needs surgery but the vet wouldn't operate after the preop exam reveled a heart murmur. Had to go see a kitty cardiologist here at hte university to see what was up. misbeHaven and I both have had appointments of our own (I had my head CAT scanned and nothing was found).

Made it out to the range Saturday morning then worked that afternoon / evening and Sunday. Had a nuts schedule here at work and I've been working one of the lighter schedules. Got home Sunday to coolant running out of the front of the engine of my truck.

Basically there is just a lot going on and unfortunately blogging is not that high on the priority list right now.

Check back soon. With any good luck I should be able to post again soon.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Overheard... I was driving home from work:

TXGunGeek: Wherever you go, there I will be. I'm with you all the way...

Me: Aww... how sweet.

TXGunGeek: ... 'cause I'm buckled into my seatbelt and you've locked the door.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Random Hurricane Aircraft Sighting

So, I have been out of touch sicne vacation. Been trying to get caught up at work, around the ranch, sick cat (you ever been to a kitty cardiologist?) A&M has them! Basically too busy and tired to write much. Still have lots of trip pictures to organize and post but here is one for now. These guys are from Kingsville NAS and came up here to ride out the hurricane. We get them in two's and three's but never an entire gaggle at once.